Treasured fragment

Treasured fragment

This fragment of wedding dress has been kept and passed down through the family. It has a note attached that explains whose wedding dress it was and how much the material cost per yard. It was the wedding dress of a person called Mary Davies and the date of the wedding was October 3rd 1765. It was given to the museum alongside some other pieces of fabric from the dress.

These pieces of brocade silk are some parts of the wedding dress of my great aunt, Mrs Thomas Morgan. She was my grandfather's, Joseph Davis, sister and my uncle Thomas Morgan was my grandmother's brother. Her name Mary Morgan then Mary Davis and my aunt J Morgans maiden name was Mary Davis. The silk was one Guinea a yard. My Aunt Mary has told me.

Eliza Mary Sales

The way is it described in the note is a bit confusing, but it seems they married brother and sister and the women swapped names.

Piece of cream material with bunches of flowers embroidered

Image 1: Fragment of wedding dress